Product Description
The Japanese manga series, ‘Akira’, released its volume number 6, under the title ‘Kaneda’. The name of this volume is based on the name of its main character. Kaneda is basically a motorcyclist and the connected to a biker group. This character has a unique styled biker costume which includes a jacket that is right here for all the bikers out there. Every biker can get biking advantage through this jacket just like Kaneda.
The Akira Kaneda Capsule Biker Costume Sale jacket is skillfully manufactured with the fine use of real leather in supreme manner. This jacket has internal viscose lining for luxury effect. It’s a black colored jacket with distinct style of front closing buttons in golden color. It has short round collar with bottom smoky effect for elastic fitting. The full sleeves end at buttoned cuffs. At the back, a capsule logo with a caption is embossed in relevant colors.
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